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Application Development & Integration

We provide web application design and development, IT consulting, network administration, and application maintenance support services.

Legacy Application Support

Craytek is currently performing on a multi-year contract with the Department of the Navy to maintain and upgrade the agency’s legacy enterprise applications.

Some of our projects include:

Project Description Customer
Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) Contract Action Tracking System Web (CATS Web) application -CATS Web is the Contract Branch Action Tracking System. This system allows SSP's contracting branch to document and track their action routing process and validate required contract artifacts for each procurement. The new CATS Web architecture includes Java, STRUTS and J2EE components as well as Oracle database. U.S. Navy
HEAT HEAT trouble ticketing system - HEAT Software is a COTS product and is used for the management of SSP's IT helpdesk tickets. HEAT was customized to work with SSP's business processes. It uses Microsoft SQL Server and Heat's administration suite of tools. This application is used by the SPHQ Helpdesk as well as the SSP Program Management Offices. U.S. Navy
Quality and Reliability Information Management System (QRIMS) QRIMS is a report processing application hosted at SSP and sponsored by the SSP Navigation branch for use by external contractors to track trouble and failure reports, corrective action reports as well as trouble failure repair and return reports and preventative maintenance action reports. QRIMS was developed using Struts 2 MVC framework and Oracle database U.S. Navy
SSP Enterprise Archive Service (SEAS) SSP Enterprise Archives Service (SEAS) application - SEAS is SSP's web based records management system utilizing networked document scanners. It allows the SPHQ and PMO offices to archive both paper and electronic financial records and official correspondence. SEAS was developed using Java, Apache Struts/Tiles framework, JSP technology and Oracle Database. U.S. Navy
SSP Logistics Planning System The Logistics Planning application is primarily used to gather raw data for the production and publication of SSP's annual budget/planning document. This application is used by SSP to plan for their current and future program resource allocations. The application was converted from a standalone PowerBuilder system to a web based application currently operational on the Navy's classified network. SSP's web based Logistics Planning System was developed using Java Framework and Oracle database U.S. Navy

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