Our team has made evident that we can provide quality personnel, IT resources and services to the Federal government. Craytek’s experienced professionals have demonstrated outstanding results in responding to short turnaround task order requirements, in performance-based contracting environments.
Our services are conveniently available through the following contract vehicles:
Contract: N00178-18-R-7000
The Craytek Team is experienced in many of the functional areas of the SeaPort-E statement of work and is qualified in five of the seven geographic zones.
Visit the Craytek SeaPort-E Website
Contract: Subcontract to Seneca Holdings, LLC.
This is a contract to provide help desk and network support services at SSP Headquarters. In addition to providing help desk services, Craytek also creates and delivers end-user Computer Based Training customized to reflect the SSP desktop environment as well as provide one-on-one desk-side and classroom training.
Contract: Prime
This contract provides web application design and development, Information technology consulting, network administration, and application maintenance support services to the US Navy.
Contract: Subcontract to Kapsuun Group Corporation
This contract provides Help Desk Support, Network Operations (Tier 1-3), at SWFPAC (Bangor Sub Base), PMO Pittsfield, MA, PMO Groton, CT, and PMO Huntington Beach, CA. Craytek manages network servers and IT core services.
Contract: Full and Open Awards and Small Business
Provides services and solutions for network operations, production, research and development, and Command,
Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (C4ISR) mission capabilities.
- Includes development, acquisition, integration, test, deployment, and sustainment of
Air Force (AF) infrastructure
- Compete task orders against one of two sets of NetOps contracts based on size and complexity
NETCENTS-2 Network Operations and Infrastructure Solutions Users Guide